F.I.C. (UK) Limited leads the industry in solving difficult electric melting problems. F.I.C. has established a worldwide reputation for design and manufacture of electric glass melting systems. These systems are designed for conditioning and boosting in a wide range of glass types and manufacturing processes. F.I.C. is a world leader of electric boosting design and supply. -
FlammaTec, spol. s r.o. & FlammaTec Germany GmbH offer burners suitable for all type of regenerative furnaces, end-port and side-port. All burners produce highly luminous flame with under-port and side-port installation and they are suitable for oil, gas and dual fuel creating low NOx through excellent heat transfer resulting in faster batch melting. -
STG Combustion Control GmbH & CO KG is an innovative and technology-oriented engineering company. STG realizes solutions for energy savings, NOx reduction, increased melting rates, and optimized process control in particular, for industrial furnaces, mainly in the glass industry.